Posts by Wakka

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Hell yeah! Plot twist #... I lost count. Good way to end the chapter. Lots of things have yet to be seen, like how they're going to get out of there before Kadmas blows the Morgan's Gate to smithereens. ...
20 years ago on Sunday, Mar 20 2005 8:32 am
Enceladus Atmosphere
The biggest problem with terraforming planets around other stars is that the nearest star to ours is still 4.2 light years away. Traveling that distance within anyone's lifetime (either manned or unmanned) is going to be tough with the current laws of ph...
20 years ago on Friday, Mar 18 2005 7:56 am
Final Fantasy: Advent Children
Funny enough, it doesn't look like the site says anything about it being released yet, although the times that it says it would be released have already passed by (late 2004 in Japan, First Quarter 2005 in the U.S.) Time to do some diggin' around...
20 years ago on Friday, Mar 18 2005 7:53 am
Final Fantasy: Advent Children
This DVD movie is supposed to be released fairly soon. It's based on the world of Final Fantasy 7, right after the story time period of the game, and several of the characters from the game return in this movie. They've all gotten major makeovers to be ...
20 years ago on Friday, Mar 18 2005 7:44 am
Theme Music
Back when was around, I downloaded a bunch of cool songs by this project called "Symphonic Chronicles". Looking around in those songs on my hard drive, I found one called "The Flight", which sort of fits the scene where the Kadmasian Battleship i...
20 years ago on Thursday, Mar 17 2005 8:17 am
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