Posts by Wakka

TopicPosting Time
Smoked Eel Sandwiches!
Smoked Eel, I can get down with that. That's good sushi. As a sandwich, that's novel. Eels are good, stuff 'em in my mouth. Stuff them all in my mouth and grin. ...
9 years ago on Wednesday, Feb 17 2016 9:13 am
Once upon a time there was a spoopy skurleton, ermergerd. It was so spoopy that another skurleton popped out. Then the skurleton called the other skurleton on the phone but then the skurletons were both in the same room. THEN WHO WAS PHONE? 2spoop...
9 years ago on Saturday, Feb 13 2016 8:19 pm
Artistic space odyssey to broadcast people's messages to the stars
Problem is that we've been sending messages passively out into space ever since radio was invented. No responses (that we know). Maybe there's too much distance for our radio transmits to get far enough before we're all gone anyway. ...
9 years ago on Monday, Feb 8 2016 7:40 pm
Earth-like planets have Earth-like interiors
Ja, when I was a school kid, we were taught that: Earth has multiple layers. A crunchy outer shell, a chocolately middle layer, a chewy nougat, and a caramel center, packed with peanuts. We might have watched a lot of candy bar commercials as kids,...
9 years ago on Monday, Feb 8 2016 3:47 pm
Jello Pudding
1. Picture of Bill Cosby 2. "Bot" of Merkel appears, endorsing cannibalistic pudding 3. Angela Merkel IS Bill Cosby 4. 5. ILLUMINATI CONFIRMED ...
9 years ago on Saturday, Jan 23 2016 10:18 am
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