Miroku, without specifics, I'm not sure what qualifies as "sexist" in your book but I'll concede that there are some nastier elements that have latched on to the so-called Gamergate movement.
I can greatly respect that you haven't bought in to the "hive mind" of modern, radical feminism. On ethics, though, I have to disagree: The whole issue was about the Kotaku reporter having a conflict of interest. What (some of) the feminists did was opportunistically twist the issue to promote their agenda, led by Quinn and Sarkeesian, to claim that nearly everything is sexist and racist. Moderate feminists (and fact-checkers) were shouted down in social media if they dared to disagree with those claims.
Miroku, I'm really not clear about what you mean here. Not trying to be combative, I honestly want to know what you mean. Are there specific cases where the same people claimed that false rape accusations were the equivalent to journalistic conflict of interest?