Super Poster
Kokomo, Indiana
Posts: 1488
I get a very slight caffeine withdrawal if I've been drinking a lot of soda but I tend not to drink any caffeinated soda at all anymore (not for a few years at least).
When it comes to coffee, I quit for a few weeks and then go back. Each time, I get the typical withdrawal symptoms - headache, lethargy, body aches - but they only last for about 5 days and them I'm fine.
One day, hopefully, I'll be able to call it quits on the caffeine for good but when doing any kind of programming work, I'm far more productive if wired on caffeine.
73's, KD8FUD

Phoenix, Arizona
Posts: 846
I've never detoxed from caffeine and am afraid to try. My co-workers have all done it at one point or another and it was never pretty. Some called off sick and those who came into work on day 2 or 3 had terrible symptoms, one even got sick in the restroom and had to go home early.
Dependence on it is REAL. Very real.
"Dangerous toys are fun, but you could get hurt!"
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Posts: 247
That would be rough if you were on energy drinks AND drinking coffee all day long.
These days I take it easy on anything with caffeine. Made myself sick a couple years ago mixing energy drinks with my booze. I'm a hard-drinkin' kind of man but I know my limits.
It doesn't matter if the glass is half empty or half full. There's clearly enough room for more wine.
Super Poster
Kokomo, Indiana
Posts: 1488
I used to drink a couple of Red Bulls a day during 2009. When I worked at Clear Channel, we had free sodas and other beverages supplied. It was AWESOME. I did, however, develop a nasty habit of drinking too many Monster energies while working there but I didn't drink any coffee during that time.
Red Bull is an energy drink that actually tastes good, which makes it all the more dangerous if you aren't careful to limit yourself.
Nothing beats kicking it Virulyde style and just guzzling orange juice, though.
73's, KD8FUD

Cambridge, Massachusetts
Posts: 267
Personally, I go for green tea. It has some caffeine but not as much as coffee. It's about the same in caffeine content as black tea, depending on the type. Could be more, could be a lot less.
As for the beer, never tried it, never plan to. It's against my beliefs. Not knocking those who like it. Same goes for bacon, it's a little amusing how there are smileys for the food items I actually can't touch
Now over-doing the energy drinks IS a fast track to a stroke or heart attack at a young age so Wolfwood, please take it easy on that stuff.