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# 12494 9 years ago on Wed, Feb 10 2016 at 9:55 pm

About all I can ask is that whoever does start it at least posts a time things are picking up again, so I can figure out whether Elise would be on duty, or more likely hanging out at the bar for other reasons (and thus much more readily free to just wander off with everyone else). I'm pretty sure it's before an evening shift would start, no matter when things would pick back up, so should be fine there.

# 12506 9 years ago on Wed, Feb 10 2016 at 11:10 pm

From what I can tell, it should probably be close to noon on the second day. That might be a problem if the Velvet Room is mostly open in the evenings.

Would running into Jess on the street en route to the bar help delay things until that evening?

Don't find fault, find a remedy -- Henry Ford

# 12516 9 years ago on Thu, Feb 11 2016 at 3:34 am

Helena, let's rock out with Jess meeting us at the bar. What if Atlas suggests they go there (since he's aware of the bar and Renk probably doesn't know where it is) and they show up there?

Jess could be in there demanding answers since she would have a tip that it's where a lot of undergrounders hang out.

The big question is how the timing should go. Places like that ain't open in the morning, I'd expect. So maybe we should work out some intermediate activity that would delay them from going to the bar until that evening. It would work even better if it were close to time where Elise would be about to get off work, too.

It doesn't matter if the glass is half empty or half full. There's clearly enough room for more wine.

# 12527 9 years ago on Thu, Feb 11 2016 at 5:14 pm

We can just assume the place is open around noon or early afternoon. Elise doesn't go on until the evenings, so she'd be free to wander around in the meantime, too.

# 12530 9 years ago on Thu, Feb 11 2016 at 8:59 pm

It's a good idea that Jess will recognize Shell from the security data just like Renk did. That will at least give a reason for them to interact at the bar.

So we're down to how to delay their visit to the bar until a little later in the day. Any ideas on what they're going to do in the mean time?

Waff-O! waffle

RP Character: Shell

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