Locked Thread  RSS Chrome Symphony [OOC] - Episode II

# 13163 9 years ago on Thu, Mar 31 2016 at 1:32 pm

Chrome Symphony [OOC] - Episode II

As confusion around the Herei Mob Army and the identity of Dark Spider increases, our motley group of cyborgs, hackers, and military people have found a way to make it into space. The EMA corporation headquarters has been destroyed in a mysterious activation of a self-destruct system. The military and police have become corrupt. General Benton Mulhauser has risen to power. Lieutenant Renk has become a suspect in connection with a possible infiltration of the military and EMA corporation by a terrorist group, presumably the Herei Mob Army.

Jess Price, having narrowly avoided death, is accompanied by the group as they fulfill their final leg of a mission that will ultimately give them the chance to save Jess's father, the head of the Crest Corporation. With an elderly cyborg hacker and a military veteran as her contractors, the rest of the group accompanies them for various reasons. They are heading into space, where many of their peers have always dreamed to go but, due to heavy restrictions on space travel, have never managed to do so. Making it off world hasn't been easy but, through urgent circumstances, the group has managed to find a way.

This is Chrome Symphony, Episode Two: Space-faring Fugitives.

If anyone wants to introduce new characters in this episode, feel free to post your character profiles here. The character sheet template is copied and pasted from the initial OOC thread here:


Street Name: (or nicknames)


Species: Human? cyborg? esper? android? etc?

‘Ware/Psychic Powers: Got any cyberware, bioware, or whatever else? list and describe them.

Appearance: What your character looks like. A picture at the top of the whole sheet/profile also works, although you can still note anything not immediately apparent.

Personality: Although I mention it here, it’s more for your reference than anyone else, so consider this section optional. It’s something you should think about, but no need to try and describe it in detail ahead of time and stick to it. See, I’m more of the opinion that a character’s personality will come out during play anyway.

History: Your character’s backstory. How did they become who they are and get where they are today?

I'm kind of filling the role at the moment as the GM, so PM me if you have anything NPC wise you'd like me to introduce to the story. Our original GM just kind of dropped out of the RP and disappeared back in early March so I kind of took over for a while.

I don't have a lot of experience as a GM so I probably won't do a whole lot in terms of NPCs or directing the story (at least no more than the other players) but if you have any specific requests, let me know. yay

We actually aren't using a GM in this RP so I've been informed that all players can / should feel free to introduce and interact with NPCs.

(This post was edited 9 years ago on Friday, April 1st, 2016 at 4:17 pm)

Don't find fault, find a remedy -- Henry Ford

# 13165 9 years ago on Thu, Mar 31 2016 at 5:04 pm

Cool. Nice summary.

Before we start episode 2 and chapter 4, I'd like to hear from everyone about any new characters they'd like to introduce (not just existing players but anyone in this forum).

This RP has a more aggressive push to the story line where we all kind of write a little bit for all of the characters in addition to primarily writing for our own characters. It's a bit different from the old RPs from years ago but I like this approach. It seems to work well overall as long as we don't go too far in the wrong direction for others' characters.

I'd like to discuss some of the story elements and loose ends that currently exist:

  1. What is the true identity of Dark Spider? He or she may or may not have provided our characters with inaccurate information, which led to some incorrect assumptions about Renk's status. It might be an interesting plot point regarding why Dark Spider might be feeding us this information.
  2. What are General Benton Mulhauser's true objectives? Is he simply a power-hungry, corrupt official or is he an infiltrator for the Herei Mob Army or another organization?
  3. How infiltrated is EMA corporation at the moment?
  4. Is General Benton Mulhauser also known as Hombre Raymie or is Dark Spider lying when he says that he isn't Hombre Raymie? Is it possible that Dr. Ray Heimborem is actually Hombre Raymie? Could it even be Dr. Camay Thameh, the A.I. scientist that sent us on the mission to the L1 colony?

These are just a few interesting plot points we might want to tackle in this new episode and chapter.

It might also be good to further explore the back story regarding how and why Jess was modified with nano machines. Atlas and Renk's backstories might also be worth exploring further.

(This post was edited 9 years ago on Thursday, March 31st, 2016 at 5:04 pm)

73's, KD8FUD

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# 13167 9 years ago on Thu, Mar 31 2016 at 8:17 pm

So, I kinda disappeared for three or four weeks. I'll be catching up, though I'm not sure how easily I can jump right back in.

I don't think I ever really was the GM, as it was established some time before I fell off the face of the forums that nobody really was Or everybody was. Or something.

(This post was edited 9 years ago on Thursday, March 31st, 2016 at 8:21 pm)

# 13168 9 years ago on Thu, Mar 31 2016 at 8:18 pm

The back story for Atlas isn't all that interesting other than the incident where he was involved in causing an explosion that killed a bunch of people trying to illegally migrate to space.

We may have already covered that much of it but I suppose we could have a flashback scene during the shuttle trip in the beginning of the next chapter.

Oh, and welcome back, Vega.

(This post was edited 9 years ago on Thursday, March 31st, 2016 at 8:18 pm)

"Dangerous toys are fun, but you could get hurt!"

# 13169 9 years ago on Thu, Mar 31 2016 at 9:24 pm

Welcome back.

Officially, there are no GMs although Helena's kind of / sort of a GM right now to introduce some NPCs or some business of the sort. To be clear, anyone is allowed to add NPCs.

73's, KD8FUD

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