Posts: 699
Spoopy space skellingtons?
Had some ideas. Aboard the space ship, that sphere is intact, as if it's from before it was dropped on that mecha, in fact, before it was ever put on the asteroid. The sphere has some bizarre properties including being able to show up in different time periods. I was thinking something similar to the monolith from 2001: A Space Odyssey. Only it's a ball, not an oversized chocolate bar.
The group wants to find out who is operating it only to find out that no one is controlling it - it has its own intelligence. The sphere somehow exists outside of the dimensions we can understand and its system "hacks" the universe itself to produce phenomena. Or something like that.
Is this getting too deep or weird or is this any good?
RP Character: Shell

Cambridge, Massachusetts
Posts: 267
Sounds like some good stuff is happening in here. Lots of cool ideas. Renk might have a reason to come back if there's a mission to explore that space ship.
It's as much fun to chat and plan things as it is to actually write in the story.
Now I have to wonder if the proximity to whatever is on there can affect the strength of adept powers. That might be a fun idea with which to play.
Rosalia, Washington
Posts: 291
Yep I like where this is going.
Since Jax and Camay are androids, they probably won't need space suits. The others probably would. I'd imagine Jax has multiple android bodies she can use in order to avoid having to physically travel between the colony and Earth, so she and Camay would be less at risk going into a place like that.
The corpse on the ship could also be either a deactivated android or some kind of alien if we want to go in that direction.
Don't find fault, find a remedy -- Henry Ford
Super Poster
Kokomo, Indiana
Posts: 1488
The sticking point remains, however: What will happen that makes the group actually want to go to the space ship?
73's, KD8FUD

Orono, Maine
Posts: 334
I, uh, think we might have accidentally reinvented the Zohar Modifier. Not that it's something unexpected, given a lot of us are fans of Xenogears/Saga. And ours is a ball instead of a golden plate.
I had actually aimed more for "alien" as for what the corpse was, but it's anyone's game, there. An if we went that route, it's possibly the corpse itself or something associated with it, and not the sphere of fun that's actually causing at least some of the phenomena.
"Why do we want to go there?" is the big question. We could also get other people to actually go there physically, rather than the group currently in play. The obvious answer is that it's the only real way to investigate and salvage the derelict. Got to actually send someone over to it. Why we'd want to do that, I'm less sure on.