Super Poster
Kokomo, Indiana
Posts: 1488
Alright, folks, we don't need to nuke the entire RP just because of this.
I am, however, going to have to take a hard stance, here. Basically, I don't want to be a jerk, but the rule is: You snooze, you lose. If you want to GM, tell us but if you want to be the GM, actually do it. If you want to establish plot elements, do it. If other people beat you to it, then be a team player. Don't procrastinate if you want to set up the story because other people will!
If anyone takes issue with the Episode III introduction, indicate what you want changed. If you don't specify what causes trouble with your plans, the course of the story will remain the same. I will edit the introduction to accommodate the needs of all players but if you don't speak up, we stay the course.
I want to continue this story.
Most importantly: If you have plans for your character or the overall story, you MUST at least give people a heads up not to write for any elements that might affect your plans. If you do not discuss your plans ahead of time, they might be in conflict by events that happen later in the story. None of us have mind-reading powers.
EDIT: Miroku suggested in chat that we have an official GM but we rotate per episode. The GM for the current episode will create the intro OOC thread / post, with a synopsis of the current story.
For Episode III, I'll be the official GM and for the next chapter we'll choose from the pool of active players. The role of the GM will be to set up plot elements in the OOC introduction but it must be consistent with the story so far.
This seems like the best way to proceed in an orderly fashion.
(This post was edited 9 years ago on Friday, April 15th, 2016 at 1:16 pm)
73's, KD8FUD

Rosalia, Washington
Posts: 291
We worked a bunch of stuff out in the chat.
I'm okay with the new plan. Nothing in the Episode III introduction bothers me. The temporary loss of adept powers doesn't mess up any plans I had but it does introduce some interesting new possibilities for Jess later on. I'm still playing Jax in this chapter.
Also, I'll throw in my two cents on the whole story writing conflict: Communicate or don't gripe. This RP has been a lot of fun and I really don't want it to fall apart because people are fighting with each other over the story. We did just fine as things have gone so far. Just let that be an indicator.
It's hard to watch feelings get hurt over things like this. Let's try a lot harder to get along and not alienate people or run off and pout when things don't go our way.
Don't find fault, find a remedy -- Henry Ford
Super Poster
Kokomo, Indiana
Posts: 1488
On Friday, April 15th, 2016 at 6:29 pm, Helena said:
We worked a bunch of stuff out in the chat.
Yes. Just to clarify, we more or less have a consensus to proceed as things currently stand with the story.
Again, collaborative story writing involves adaptability. If you plan events or plot elements, post them ahead of time in the OOC thread.
I would also like to invite past players to return if they like. I know that some people became frustrated with the creative differences and left for that reason. Now that we've established some ground rules in order to avoid such conflicts, I hope that this will redress such grievances.
73's, KD8FUD

Orono, Maine
Posts: 334
If it matters, I have no actual issues with the current state of affairs in-game. I think I'll just bow out, though. whether it's intentional on my part or not, I seem to generate a lot of the OOC conflict and bickering, so I'll just keep my hands off and enjoy reading things.
If this somehow devolves into an even worse blow-up and kills the game, you all damn well better just make me the villain, instead of trying to blame everyone else. Seriously. I'm not trying to further hurt things or contribute even more to some gloomy or negative environment. I know it may well read that way, though. I can just easily see in hindsight that I seem to be the cause of these little problems, and I would rather not get in the way of the rest of you guys having fun.
Not like i won't still be around to be some sort of annoying peanut gallery commenting the whole way through, digging up annoying music, and possibly drawing things. I just feel that I've become incompatible with the RP, and in no way should my thoughts on how to do things or enjoy yourselves get in the way of everyone else's.
(This post was edited 9 years ago on Friday, April 15th, 2016 at 5:20 pm)
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Posts: 267
On Friday, April 15th, 2016 at 6:48 pm, Nitrocosm said:
I would also like to invite past players to return if they like. I know that some people became frustrated with the creative differences and left for that reason. Now that we've established some ground rules in order to avoid such conflicts, I hope that this will redress such grievances.
I'm still going to decline, sorry. While I don't have any issues with the story at all, this whole situation just kind of sucks the fun out of it for me.
Maybe way, way, way down the road, but I'm just not interested right now.