Thread  RSS Chrome Symphony - Extra Run 1

# 13716 9 years ago on Fri, May 20 2016 at 11:18 am

Elise and the others got out of the car and headed down the stairs from the roof of the warehouse.

Once they reached the first floor, Elise motioned for them to follow her outside.

"Okay, we'll be heading Northeast for about a quarter mile," she whispered. "No flashlights and keep your voices to a whisper."

As they made their way through the woods and along the side of a concrete wall, the group arrived near the gate to the facility.

"Shell and Jax," whispered Elise, "Twenty meters that way there's a small maintenance room. Hack the lock and get inside. You should be able to tap the network equipment from in there."

The blue sky is infinitely high, crystal clear...that's what the world should be...a world of infinite possibilities, laid before us, crystal clear"

# 13717 9 years ago on Fri, May 20 2016 at 1:19 pm

Shell and Jax quietly ran over to the maintenance room. Shell wired herself to the lock and sent a brute-force routine to open it. About 20 seconds later, the door unlocked and the two darted inside, looking around to see if any guards were patrolling nearby.

Inside the dark room, Shell found a patch bay for network cables. She attached one to one of the ports on her belt and established a connection, being careful to keep her own equipment spoofed as a generic device that would be expected on the facility's network.

"Jax," said Shell over a wireless link, "connect to my wireless access and go ahead and do your thing."

Waff-O! waffle

RP Character: Shell

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# 13718 9 years ago on Fri, May 20 2016 at 5:14 pm

Jax connected to the wireless access point that Shell had made available. She performed a dive and found herself inside the facility's network.

She could see the views from all of the security cameras, along with readouts from the pressure and motion sensors. Vector's facility was among the most heavily fortified she had ever known.

"Shell," said Jax, "I have access to their entire security system but it's going to take some time to jam all of these. Once I do that, it will raise alarms among the staff so we need to coordinate with Elise and Atlas once it's time."

Don't find fault, find a remedy -- Henry Ford

# 13719 9 years ago on Fri, May 20 2016 at 6:53 pm

Atlas and Elise entered the facility's outer perimeter. Atlas shot one of the guards with a tranquilizer and dragged him behind a dumpster, being careful to avoid the security camera.

Elise knocked out another guard by sneaking up behind him and using her enhanced strength to knock him unconscious with a quick blow to his head. She sneaked underneath the security camera, avoiding its field of view as Atlas dragged the other guard behind the dumpster.

"Alright," whispered Atlas, "We don't exactly have a clear path into the research and development area until the security cameras are offline."

"Dangerous toys are fun, but you could get hurt!"

# 13720 9 years ago on Fri, May 20 2016 at 7:44 pm

Elise nodded. "I can go ahead and give Jax the word but we'll have a limited amount of time to get into the inner area once the cameras go haywire," she replied. "Obviously, it's going to raise red flags if all of the cameras go offline all at once."

Elise contacted Jax. "Jax," said Elise over the wireless link, "I'm sending you my position. Please loop the camera footage for the cameras while we pass by them. Don't let any of them go blank. That should buy us some time before the guards realize that the cameras aren't showing accurate imagery."

"Sure," said Jax, "but I need to capture a few seconds or up to a minute of footage from each camera before I can set that up."

"We can hold our position for just a little while," replied Elise. "We can't stay in one place for long so please be quick about it."

The blue sky is infinitely high, crystal clear...that's what the world should be...a world of infinite possibilities, laid before us, crystal clear"

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