Rosalia, Washington
Posts: 291
Jax exited the dive, shocked by the sudden disconnection.
She looked over at Shell and then at the guard on the ground. She saw the network cables dangling from the switching equipment.
"We need to get reconnected right away," whispered Jax. "Elise and Atlas are in the center of the facility and don't have a way out if I can't control the security system."
Don't find fault, find a remedy -- Henry Ford
Dover Foxcroft, Maine
Posts: 208
"s***," muttered Elise.
"Atlas, get out of the view of the security cameras, Jax got severed from the network," said Elise, over the radio.
Elise leaped behind some storage crates, narrowly avoiding a security camera as it panned over. She crawled toward the corner and waited for Atlas to emerge from the corridor.
A short while later, Atlas came into view. Elise motioned for him to sneak over to her position. Eyeing the security camera carefully, she watched Atlas make his way behind the crates where she was.
"Jax has to reconnect to the system before we can proceed," whispered Elise to Atlas. "Until then, we have to stay here."
The blue sky is infinitely high, crystal clear...that's what the world should be...a world of infinite possibilities, laid before us, crystal clear"
Posts: 699
Shell reconnected the network cable to herself and established the connection again. Jax re-entered the dive and gained control of the security cameras again.
"Elise," said Shell, "You should have cover again."
RP Character: Shell

Phoenix, Arizona
Posts: 846
Atlas heard Shell's message over the radio link and the two emerged from the crates and entered the corridor.
Another guard opened the door at the far end of the corridor and spotted the two of them.
"Not good!" shouted Atlas. He fired a round at the guard, missing him. The guard fired back at Atlas, hitting him in the arm.
"I'm hit!" yelped Atlas.
Elise took a shot at the guard, hitting him in the head. The guard fell to the ground quickly and Elise ran over to the door to see if anyone else was approaching.
"The coast is clear," said Elise.
"Dangerous toys are fun, but you could get hurt!"
Posts: 699
"They're on their way out of there," whispered Shell.
She could hear more footsteps approaching. Shell was unable to close the broken door so she prepared to use the guard's gun to fend off whomever was approaching the maintenance room.
As the second guard came into view, Shell fired a round into his leg, wounding him. She kicked him in the head, being careful not to disturb the network cables attached to her this time.
The guard dropped like a rock, bleeding profusely from his leg.
"I can't let him bleed out," said Shell. She kneeled down and grabbed a first aid kit from her supply bag. She bandaged the guard's leg and stood back up.
"He should be fine," said Shell. "At least he won't bother us until we're done."
RP Character: Shell
