Locked Thread  RSS Chrome Symphony [OOC] - Episode II

# 13284 9 years ago on Wed, Apr 13 2016 at 9:12 am

Camay might return to being an NPC after a little while, I had intended to just play her short term.

One of the first things I'll have Camay do is order Dr. Heimborem to be investigated and placed under security watch, if not outright detained.

The next thing will be to call a meeting with everyone and share news and information about the asteroid and what was observed from the colony. I had a few ideas that might be fun, depending on how things play out in the next chapter.

Camay will probably want to call a massive cyberspace / dive conference with the board of directors from Crest and any remaining / willing members of EMA corporation (if they haven't been completely taken over by the Herei Mob Army).

My thinking is that we can clear up a lot of the corporate and geopolitical things in the story in Chapter 5.

The blue sky is infinitely high, crystal clear...that's what the world should be...a world of infinite possibilities, laid before us, crystal clear"

# 13285 9 years ago on Wed, Apr 13 2016 at 2:19 pm

I thought we might just capture General Dumpass but this might be more interesting with him going looney tunes and... something with that ball.

Writing for Jess is going to be a challenge in the next chapter. I'm not sure exactly how she's going to deal with what's just happened, especially since everyone made all that effort to save her father and he just wound up dead, by her own hands no less.

Wouldn't that completely break a person? It's actually really hard to figure out what a character would be like if we're writing mostly realistic personalities.

Jess was able to keep it together long enough to take care of business but now that she's going to have time to mull things over, I'm probably going to just make her very reclusive and broken for a while.

Geez, I just wonder if she's even playable unless she's given an unrealistic emotional turnaround. It's like putting her through all that bad stuff was like painting myself into a corner, plot-wise.

(This post was edited 9 years ago on Wednesday, April 13th, 2016 at 2:21 pm)

Don't find fault, find a remedy -- Henry Ford

# 13286 9 years ago on Wed, Apr 13 2016 at 2:51 pm

Regarding the General, Elise was certainly poised to capture him alive. That he did that weird stuff is probably foreshadowing.

Jess is going to be a mess, I'd imagine. Atlas is probably struggling with the situation as well since he's trying to live down another incident where he was responsible for burning a bunch of people alive.

It's dark stuff but it makes for an interesting story. If I were writing for Jess (which we all are, to some extent, as with all the characters) it would be hard to figure out how she would act after such events.

73's, KD8FUD

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# 13287 9 years ago on Wed, Apr 13 2016 at 4:16 pm

In my mind, it's probably time for a bit of a "breather" episode. Let things wind down a bit, let lives get back in order, more or less. See where they go from there.

We do need to decide what we're doing on the whole, or if we even follow the same characters at all times. We could, for instance, switch to some or all new ones, and be VERY episodic in how we do this, sort of short stories in a shared world. Which could be interesting if paths cross at times.

I do like Miroku's idea of investigating some sort of "haunted" space station, so that could be a cool thing to do. Whether or not we're heroes, we probably could keep doing odd jobs for Firewall and similar organizations. At least for Elise's lifestyle, it's easy to kick off plots like a Cowboy Bebop episode: "You're almost broke and need to find the next job fast."

My earlier disappearance actually meant a big change to what I was originally going to do with a run on the EMA, so I can bring said idea back. It'd get more into their own (completely free of the Herei Mob army) forms of corruption, human experiments, and possibly the nature of Adepts. And possibly lead to other directions we could take things.

I'm not sure if I have any suggestions for how to play Jess, but she probably will need some time and help to come to terms with things. She's seen a taste (of a sort) of what military (and criminal) lifestyles can be like, so she probably will come out of things wiser than before, as far as what she wants to do with her life.

On Wednesday, April 13th, 2016 at 7:19 pm, Helena said:

Geez, I just wonder if she's even playable unless she's given an unrealistic emotional turnaround. It's like putting her through all that bad stuff was like painting myself into a corner, plot-wise.

Now, this...this I can give one obvious suggestion. You could have her leave the limelight for a while to take over Crest's operations and otherwise think about things and figure herself out, and in the meantime, you could run a new character. It can certainly keep her relevant, or able to return. But any short-term uncertainty in how she should act, or need for a quick turn-around can go away.

# 13288 9 years ago on Wed, Apr 13 2016 at 4:36 pm

That sounds like a good plan.

Duncan is going to want to return home. He wasn't quite mentally prepared for all of the violence and is going to want some peace and quiet in addition to some time to do some serious investigation on the networks.

I also wanted to do a flashback post where some interesting stuff happens back before he became a cyborg; Rosetta would also be introduced as a character in the past.

We may have lots of new opportunities once Jess has had time to mentally recover and she assumes her new responsibilities as the head of Crest Corporation.

The Herei Mob Army is likely to be a thing of the past at this point, since their central base of operations has been destroyed and their operatives were outed. Without General Mulhauser around, the military is probably not infiltrated by that organization anymore.

Duncan is going to want to find Dark Spider, too.

Starting off Chapter 5, I'll probably just have some dialogue between the group and have a few things wrapped up before our group is given the chance to split up.

73's, KD8FUD

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